Made in America Products by Gordon Brush Mfg
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 Made in USA products by Gordon Brush Mfg.

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Podiatrist recommended! Regular use of The FootMate? System can help stimulate blood flow to the feet and aid in keeping circulation problems to a minimum. The FootMate? is good for your health as well as your soul.
The FootMate? System's contoured bristles create a stimulating massage and extra cleaning power for your feet including the often neglected and hard to reach areas between the toes. A little Rejuvenating Gel? and a gentle back-and-fourth scrubbing motion are all that's required to massage, condition, and clean your feet from a convenient standing position. The FootMate's softer inner bristles gently massage your tender soles, while the stiffer outer brushes smooth rough skin- the perfect way to pamper your tired, aching feet.
You may have heard the saying ? when your feet hurt, everything hurts. But how many of us actually take the time to give our feet the attention they deserve? The average adult will walk more than 1,000 miles each year. That translates into more than 70,000 miles over the course of a lifetime. A 125 lb. woman puts about 70 tons of pressure on her feet per mile. That's a lot of wear and tear on the 28 tiny bones, 20 muscles, and 112 ligaments in each foot. Is it any wonder that by the end of each day, we're all ready to put our feet up? The FootMate? System is specifically designed as a complete foot-care system. Not only does FootMate leave your feet thoroughly clean and conditioned (including the other neglected areas between the toes), but it also produces a feeling of all-over well-being.
Remember, when your feet feel good, so do you.
The FootMate? System is always there for that one time of the day you have for yourself. Simply apply Rejuvenating GelTM, drop it to the floor, gently rub each foot back-and-forth over the bristles, and then retrieve the FootMate with its rope. Without bending, stooping or contorting, the FootMate is the easy way to great feeling feet.
The FootMate may be used virtually anywhere including: the shower, your living room while watching television, outside while enjoying a cup of coffee on your patio.