Made in America Products by Gypsy 05
Showing 1 to 27 of 27 Made in USA products by Gypsy 05.

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A reflection and celebration of the Southern California lifestyle, Gypsy05's visionary brand of effortless clothing for women, men and children exudes beauty and balance through feminine silhouettes.
Relaxed, yet articulate designs that are rich in color and detailing form the essence of Gypsy05. And at the heart and soul of the brand, exclusive dye techniques and progressive wash processes add dimension to the featherweight fabrics utilized throughout the collection.
Established in the Spring of 2005 by an endearing partnership of brother & sister, Osi and Dotan Shoham. Gypsy05 captures picturesque moments from everyday life and designs clothing to evoke the memories of those special events.
Incorporating organic fabrics, soy softeners, low impact dyes and seaweed extract printing into the collection, Gypsy05 holds environmental awareness as a core philosophy, beginning with its headquarters - the first completely solar-powered dyeing, printing and manufacturing facility in Los Angeles, California.
Gypsy05 is a lifestyle, an expression of love and the result of two passionate and creative individuals sharing common dreams and united inspiration.