Help create jobs by purchasing more Made in the USA products
We help create American jobs by making it easy to find Made in the USA products
To Visit US Manufacturers Offering American Made Products Click the Following Images
To Visit Web Stores Selling Made in the USA Protectors Click the Following Images

eshop at web store for Protectors American Made at Downlite in product category American Furniture & Home Decor

WIN up to $10,000 & use 10,000 Links to Made in the USA Products
Win up to $10,000 by using Made in America Secrets, it is the only website providing product specific links for Made in America Protectors, and 10,000 other Made in the USA products. Finding any of the American Made products in our database is made easy by using our search and navigation buttons. Clicking any of our links that result from searching for products connects the consumer to an online store that sells them.

Made in America Secrets is a unique search engine like tool that when used, returns only Made in America product providers and their web stores. We also are the only website giving away up to $10,000 for buying Ameircan made products. Our giveaway includes more too. Visitors can also WIN $100 and $1,000 just for buying Made in America products through our website. Check out our WIN $10,000 page it provides the complete details. No gimicks either we pay real money!

Since it's free - try our site next time you are looking for anything made in the US like American Furniture, American Apparel & Clothing, or even Watches that are Made in Detorit, Michigan. Check out our Gift Ideas tab when searching for Made in USA gifts it's quick and easy saving you valuable time. Also if you love Pinterest like we do, check out our Pinnables tab or go direct to our Pinterest Boards. These images are great as reminders for the next time you want to buy American Made products. Our research told us approximately 150,000,000 US consumers are either very interested or extremely interested in buying Made in America products. For them, one of the greatest deterrents to buying Made in America products is not being able to quickly find them. We solve that problem with Made In America Secrets it makes it easy for the US consumer to find and buy any one of thousands of Made in America products. The following are a few examples of these:

Made in America products in the American Furniture & Home Decor category: Made in the USA Protectors, Area Rugs, Custom Corkboards, Tealight Candles, Crown Moldings, Picture Frames, Outdoor / Indoor Rugs, Thermometers , Napkin Holders, Flooring, Humorous Signs, Bed crowns, Window Treatments, Indian Fetishes, Firepits, Steel Beds, Microwave Carts, Frames, Sofas, Bookend Sets, Custom Gates. All from great Made in the USA manufacturers. We link the consumer to thousands of American Made products in over fifty categories.

Become a more informed Made in the USA shopper by reading our buying tips
The Tip is 'Labeling Tip 3'

For a product produced in the U.S. to be labeled Made in USA, or claimed to be of domestic origin without qualifications or limits on the claim, the product must be all or virtually all made in the U.S.

All or virtually all means that all significant parts and processing that go into the product must be of U.S. origin. That means the product should contain no or negligible foreign content.

Therefore, for job creation purposes, those products labeled Made in USA cause the greatest number of American jobs to be created. This is true because the labor to produce the product and the raw materials that go into the product are all made with American labor.

Buying Tip Continued - Read more on Made in America Products by Downlite

DOWNLITE is a 100 year old family business based in the United States supplying Luxury Down Bedding for the finest department stores, catalogs, hotels and resorts in the country. DOWNLITE is unique because we do not just make down bedding for stores, we also supply our RestAssured Hypoallergenic down fillings to other manufacturers.

Many of our customers find us because they enjoyed sleeping on one of our hotel pillows or hotel comforters at a fine resort or luxury hotel. Some of our hotel bedding has one of our labels attached to the piece of hotel linens. DOWNLITE is a family owned down bedding manufacturing company located in Cincinnati, OH. With several factories in the USA we are proud to help 'bring the comfort home' to you.

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