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WIN up to $10,000 & use 10,000 Links to Made in the USA Products
Win up to $10,000 by using Made in America Secrets, it is the only website providing product specific links for American Made Art Glass, and 10,000 other Made in the USA products. Finding any of the Made in America products in our database is made easy by using our search and navigation buttons. Clicking any of our links that result from searching for products connects the consumer to an online store that sells them.

Made in America Secrets is a unique search engine like tool that when used, returns only Made in America product providers and their web stores. We also are the only website giving away up to $10,000 for buying Ameircan made products. Our giveaway includes more too. Visitors can also WIN $100 and $1,000 just for buying Made in America products through our website. Check out our WIN $10,000 page it provides the complete details. No gimicks either we pay real money!

Since it's free - try our site next time you are looking for anything made in the US like American Furniture, American Apparel & Clothing, or even Watches that are Made in Detorit, Michigan. Check out our Gift Ideas tab when searching for Made in USA gifts it's quick and easy saving you valuable time. Also if you love Pinterest like we do, check out our Pinnables tab or go direct to our Pinterest Boards. These images are great as reminders for the next time you want to buy American Made products. Our research told us approximately 150,000,000 US consumers are either very interested or extremely interested in buying Made in America products. For them, one of the greatest deterrents to buying Made in America products is not being able to quickly find them. We solve that problem with Made In America Secrets it makes it easy for the US consumer to find and buy any one of thousands of Made in America products. The following are a few examples of these:

American Made products in the Arts, Crafts & Sewing category: Made in the USA Art Glass, Magnetic Clips, Oil Paint Remover, Designer Papers, Jazz Gifts, Destination Souvenirs, Stain Remover, Yarns, Double Folds, Twill, Brush Cleaner, Fabrics, Suncatchers, Sequins, Personalized Signs, Straight Binding, Grapevine & Cork Vines, Wodden Palettes, Knitting & Crochets, Carved Birds, Bias Binding. All from great Made in the USA manufacturers. We link the consumer to thousands of Made in America products in over fifty categories.

Become a more informed Made in the USA shopper by reading our buying tips
The Tip is 'Watch What You Eat'

While in the grocery store recently I noticed that the apples were from South America. Next to South American apples were a bin of apples labeled Made in USA. I decided to go with the Made in America apples since they were US grown.

Always remember the Big Secret- buying more American made products helps put Americans back to work. It will guide you to food you will want to eat that is grown with US labor. If you just take a moment to look and think before you buy, it is likely you will find what you are looking for.

Also, be careful because sometimes labels are not what they seem. Some companies use the letters USA to fool you into thinking they are American products. Trust only those products that literally claim their country of origin. Look for labeling like: Product of USA, Made in USA, Grown in USA, or other definitive markings.

And last, when you begin the journey of purposely identifying American products keep in mind that it may take a little time but the more you look the easier it becomes. You will start to remember which brands are made in the USA and which aren't. This knowledge makes it easy and will accumulate over time. Some food items are not grown in the USA and you will learn that too. The Big Secret tells us we don't need to purchase everything from USA manufacturers just a little more than we are accustom to. If you can average $200 a month more on domestic purchases than you otherwise would it adds up fast. $2,400 a year is equivalent to 7 MILLION new American jobs. We believe that is a good thing.

Buying Tip Continued - Read more on Made in America Products by Orbix Hot Glass

Since 2002, Orbix Hot Glass has distinguished itself by its refined handmade glassware and its connections with those who appreciate clean designs, dependable service, and excellent quality in a small studio and gallery business.

For owners Cal and Christy Breed, Orbix emerged as an idea in the late 1990's, though it bore no name. For many years leading up to this point, Cal studied at schools around the country, gleaning as much knowledge and technique from some of the best in the world.Deciding where to plant a glass studio was not a difficult decision; Alabama was home, with all its charm and subtle graces.

As plans were lain, equipment was built, and property was sought, the reality became evident that it would take a lot of great people to make it a success. Though the task of opening and running an art business was and remains trying at times, the encounters with so many others provides joy and fascination.

Today, Orbix resides on 26 acres bordering Little River Canyon National Preserve, just a few miles from where Cal and Christy met and spent many days scaling the steep cliffs, or paddling the turbulent waters. Evidence of this landscape whispers through the Orbix collection, as it always remains a backdrop of the studio.

From one perspective, Orbix is about our personal paths along the way and its intersection with many others on their personal orbits. From another perspective its about the process of blowing glass and its constant requirement to never stop turning - always pushing forward. Those two things give meaning to Orbix and reflect two of our greatest passions - people and glass.

Today, we strive to make honest, excellent work that someone would invite into their life. Cal leads a team of glassblowers who hand-craft each piece with great attention to form, balance and color.

We hope that you would come to expect the same excellence in our service - impeccable, timely and personal. We are making one-at-a-time glassware for individuals who want one-at-a-time attention.

Glass art is what we were intended to do, and it would not be possible without those of you who appreciate it as well.

Thanks for inviting Orbix into your life. We are so glad that our paths crossed.

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