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WIN up to $10,000 & use 10,000 Links to Made in the USA Products
Win up to $10,000 by using Made in America Secrets, it is the only website providing product specific links for Made in the USA Gas Lanterns, and 10,000 other Made in America products. Finding any of the American Made products in our database is made easy by using our search and navigation buttons. Clicking any of our links that result from searching for products connects the consumer to an online store that sells them.

Made in America Secrets is a unique search engine like tool that when used, returns only Made in America product providers and their web stores. We also are the only website giving away up to $10,000 for buying Ameircan made products. Our giveaway includes more too. Visitors can also WIN $100 and $1,000 just for buying Made in America products through our website. Check out our WIN $10,000 page it provides the complete details. No gimicks either we pay real money!

Since it's free - try our site next time you are looking for anything made in the US like American Furniture, American Apparel & Clothing, or even Watches that are Made in Detorit, Michigan. Check out our Gift Ideas tab when searching for Made in USA gifts it's quick and easy saving you valuable time. Also if you love Pinterest like we do, check out our Pinnables tab or go direct to our Pinterest Boards. These images are great as reminders for the next time you want to buy American Made products. Our research told us approximately 150,000,000 US consumers are either very interested or extremely interested in buying Made in America products. For them, one of the greatest deterrents to buying Made in America products is not being able to quickly find them. We solve that problem with Made In America Secrets it makes it easy for the US consumer to find and buy any one of thousands of Made in America products. The following are a few examples of these:

Made in the USA products in the Hardware & Building Supplies category: Made in America Gas Lanterns, Shackles, Gray Iron Products, PVC pipe/fittings, Top Mount Pipe Clamps, Fret Molding, Molded Fittings, Plant Tiles, Compression Clamps, Foam Board, Gable Louvers, Foam Insulation, Plastic Hanger Straps, Wall Anchor Systems, Soldering Flux, Glass Tiles, Tubing, Kitchen Lights / Lighting, Western Woods 4X$, Flared Fittings, Task Lights / Lighting. All from great Made in America manufacturers. We link the consumer to thousands of American Made products in over fifty categories.

Become a more informed Made in America shopper by reading our buying tips
The Tip is 'Don't procrastinate'

For years I've been buying ink jet cartridges from a big box office supply store. These cartridges were made overseas and labeled with the well-known brand of a large American printer company.

One I remembered a local store that advertised quality cartridges. I had traveled by this local store hundreds of times but never stopped. This time I stopped at the local store. To my surprise I discovered that they carried the cartridge I needed and it was a Made in USA cartridge. Made in Chicago, to be precise, and it was half the price of the imported ones I had been buying for years. The quality is exceptional and they last longer too. Who knew?

After that experience, I make a point to stop at every store I can. By doing so, I've been finding more and more Made in America products. Occasionally the clerks don't know the country of origin; this can be discouraging but finding the origin information yourself isn't difficult I've come to realize.

Believe it not, there are actually a number of computers made in the US including laptops made in the USA.

When the label is not visibly displayed I use the other Made in America buying tips to help me find Made in US. If the store doesn't carry what you are looking for, use Made in America Secrets to find it and tell the manager about your experience at their store. If enough people are asking for Made in America products stores will begin to carry them.

Buying Tip Continued - Read more on Made in America Products by Texas Light Smith

John W. Worsham III established Texas Lightsmith in 1995, and was joined by longtime friend and colleague, Trey Jones in 2001, with the mission of providing a source for excellent custom lighting, while offering the widest array of metalworking techniques to allow for unlimited design possibilities.

John has a Bachelor's degree in studio art from the University of Texas at Austin and studied intaglio printmaking as well as non-ferrous metal smithing. John went on to take classes in structural steel welding and blacksmithing and studied abroad in Florence, Italy. Trey has a Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Texas and has a background in machining and mechanical design. Over the years Texas Lightsmith has developed into a multi-faceted company with several specialties. Our primary business focuses on the complete production of residential range hoods, sinks, and, of course, lighting, both residential and commercial. It is not uncommon for us to produce multiple pieces for a single project that tie together through a related design theme. We offer customization of all our products.

Early on, Texas Lightsmith expanded its range beyond lighting to include sinks, range hoods, fireplace screens, chimney caps, the occasional mirror and other custom projects. Today the focus is on the lighting, hoods, and sinks, but we still take on the odd custom project every now and then.


In addition to tinsmithing, standard sheet metal, and wrought iron fabrication techniques, Texas Lightsmith regularly employs weaving of metal, repouss?, punching, and hammer forming to create a diverse design base for all projects. Since its inception, Texas Lightsmith has produced thousands of custom chandeliers, wall fixtures, venthoods, hanging lanterns, fireplace screens, and other exquisite and unique items.

Keeping the work local and the quality high have been critical to our success. Texas Lightsmith does not support the outsourcing of U.S. work to underpaid foreign labor. Keeping the work in house allows us to keep close control on quality and the details essential to making custom work. All Texas Lightsmith products are handcrafted by metal smiths at the Texas Lightsmith studio in Austin, Texas. While the Texas Lightsmith standard line is ever-increasing, custom projects are welcome.

Please call, or email/Contact Us, to schedule an appointment to discuss your specific project. With lighting listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Texas Lightsmith is an excellent source for commercial as well as residential projects.

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