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We help create American jobs by making it easy to find Made in the USA products
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eshop at web store for Neck Warmers Made in America at Maine Warmers in product category Health & Personal Care

WIN up to $10,000 & use 10,000 Links to Made in the USA Products
Win up to $10,000 by using Made in America Secrets, it is the only website providing product specific links for Made in America Neck Warmers, and 10,000 other Made in the USA products. Finding any of the American Made products in our database is made easy by using our search and navigation buttons. Clicking any of our links that result from searching for products connects the consumer to an online store that sells them.

Made in America Secrets is a unique search engine like tool that when used, returns only Made in America product providers and their web stores. We also are the only website giving away up to $10,000 for buying Ameircan made products. Our giveaway includes more too. Visitors can also WIN $100 and $1,000 just for buying Made in America products through our website. Check out our WIN $10,000 page it provides the complete details. No gimicks either we pay real money!

Since it's free - try our site next time you are looking for anything made in the US like American Furniture, American Apparel & Clothing, or even Watches that are Made in Detorit, Michigan. Check out our Gift Ideas tab when searching for Made in USA gifts it's quick and easy saving you valuable time. Also if you love Pinterest like we do, check out our Pinnables tab or go direct to our Pinterest Boards. These images are great as reminders for the next time you want to buy American Made products. Our research told us approximately 150,000,000 US consumers are either very interested or extremely interested in buying Made in America products. For them, one of the greatest deterrents to buying Made in America products is not being able to quickly find them. We solve that problem with Made In America Secrets it makes it easy for the US consumer to find and buy any one of thousands of Made in America products. The following are a few examples of these:

Made in America products in the Health & Personal Care category: Made in the USA Neck Warmers, Elasticity Oil, Filter Bowls, Handmade Laundry Soaps, Mobility Systems, Body Wash, GI Supplements, Leather Razor Strop, Wood Emery Boards, Aromatherpy Oils, Makeup Brushes, Hair Care, Straight Razor Cases, Straight Razors, Pendants Scented, Pain Easing Wraps, Anti-Aging, Mascaras, Diets, Sediment Filters, Skin Care. All from great Made in the USA manufacturers. We link the consumer to thousands of American Made products in over fifty categories.

Become a more informed Made in the USA shopper by reading our buying tips
The Tip is 'Don't be fooled.'

It's easy to be fooled when relying on the company name as an indicator of the products country of origin. As an example when the company name includes USA their products may not be made in the USA. This is a trick often used by some companies to cause their products to be displayed when searches for Made in USA products are initiated. These companies are often foreign companies trying to fool and confuse the consumer into believing their products are made in the USA.If this happens to you check to see if the company is listed on Made in America Secrets. If it is on Made in America Secrets, you can count on their products being Made in America.

Buying Tip Continued - Read more on Made in America Products by Maine Warmers

About Maine Warmers Company ? Makers of microwave heating pads
Maine Warmers Story
When my husband had a muscle spasm in his back and could not stand up straight, I drove to the pharmacy to buy an electric heating pad. On the way, I thought about electric extension cords and outlets where he might plug one in. Then I recalled a friend handing me a microwave heating pad one cold winter night. I turned the car around and called our friend (pre-cell phone era) to find out what was inside the flannel bag.
Hers was filled with cattle beans, but I was told by a gentleman at Agway that whole corn was often used to make these heat packs. My husband was amazed at the relief the home-made heating pad provided and was especially pleased with the convenience ? no wires or hot water bottles. He could watch TV, take it to bed, to work, and even use it in the car.
Over the years, I have enjoyed designing whimsical creatures and hearing from customers who tell me how these heat therapy products have helped them or their friends and relatives through difficult times.
At Maine Warmers we proudly continue the Maine tradition of providing top quality products and customer service.
Maine Products Marketing Program State of Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, 59 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333-0059, 297-287-8490
Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce
179 Lisbon St., Lewiston, Maine, 207-783-2249
Maine Women's Business Directory
CEI Maine Women's Business Center Maine Warmers is a woman owned business and is listed in this directory. This directory was established by Coastal Enterprises, Inc. in Maine.
NEARBY Registry
Find some of our products on the NEARBY Registry for bridal and baby shower registry or shopping for gifts.
A list of stores in Maine and across the country that carry Maine Warmers.
Maine SBDC ? Small Business Development Center ? 30? Award in June of 2007
New England Products Trade Show ? Maine Warmers' Cozy Sheep received Honorable Mention in the Best New Product competition, March 2002

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